Let Me Give You a Hand With That

7 Jun

I really struggled with even typing this up for fear of sounding incredibly hokey, way too basic, or condescending.  I guess since this is a fairly new blog though – the basics are a good place to start.

I write this not because I think it but because my employers talk about it way too often.  The receptionist in my office was even having this debate with her replacement last week.   We all encounter this frequently and make judgments from it as well.

I guess one of the things I have always liked about my job is I get all the feedback.  I hear both sides and am able to see the fit or a non-fit begin to take shape.  I take this feedback seriously so I can help you interview better the next time.  Again, what I am about to share is the basic stuff but it is of vital importance.  Any idea what this might be? 

Your appearance?  Kind of – but more important.  Bringing a few extra copies of your resume with you to an interview?  Good idea – this is still more important though.

It is your handshake.  I am telling you I have heard way too often about poor handshakes.  I am not kidding.  Again, I feel uncomfortable almost even talking about it.  You should know this already, right?  Somewhere between sitting up straight and chewing with your mouth closed – didn’t someone mix in a "you need a good firm handshake"?

I really don’t need to go any further but – I must  I mentioned that the receptionist in my office building and her replacement were discussing what makes a good handshake.  As I happened by, I joined the conversation and truly appreciated that 2 twenty somethings were engaging in this conversation.  So often I seem to think that the twenty somethings of today think it is ok to put their my space page link on their resume – complete with all those close up photos of their tats (tattoos), while Buckcherry’s song "Crazy B@!ch" provides accompaniment to your perusal of their private life.  Sorry back to task.

Let’s just say – at my 39 year old vantage point I was glad to see and hear these two ladies get it.  So how should you shake a hand of your potential boss and future co-workers?  Let’s analyze the components of a chemistry building, job getting, ideal interview handshake.

Firm but not too firm.  The pit between the thumb and the index finger need to meet and your fingertips need to slightly wrap the underside of their hand all while looking them in the eye.  Please practice now. 

Finally, no one is ever going to comment on what a tremendous handshake you possess but my will they comment on a bad one.  They do and will – please don’t let me hear that about you.  Now, sit up straight …or you will not get this job!   

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